


check out my discography

Featuring Remix Albums By Jay – Z, Nas, & More 

All Produced By CJF Music

Custom Beats

Attention all musicians and creators! Are you in search of top-tier beats to take your tracks to the next level? Look no further than CJF I’m proud to offer a curated selection of high-quality beats crafted by CJF, designed to elevate your sound and captivate your audience.

Need Help with mixing/mastering

My  mixing and mastering services will take your music to the next level. 

I will ensure that your music sounds its best. My  mixing service will blend all of the separate tracks together to create a cohesive and balanced sound, while my mastering service will apply the final touches to make your music sound polished and professional.  I  pride myself on working closely with you to ensure your vision is realized. Contact me today to learn more about my mixing and mastering services and take your music to new heights.

interview with shroom - t

I spoke with Shroom – T about my life in music

cjf radio

Attention all independent artists! CJF Radio is thrilled to announce an incredible opportunity for you to showcase your talent to a global audience. As the premier radio station dedicated to supporting independent musicians, we are committed to providing a platform for emerging artists to shine.

feedback from the music community